Bible Study 9 am Sunday Worship Sundays 10AM

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Here are a few of the ways our community is supported. Let us know if you’d like to be a part of the joy that is service. Click on titles of each to visit their webpage


The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) is a missionary organization that serves persecuted Christians in the world’s most difficult and dangerous places to be a Christian. Founded in 1967 by Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, VOM is dedicated to inspiring all believers to a biblical faith by encouraging their commitment to Christ and the fulfillment of his Great Commission – no matter the cost.

Lutheran World Relief was officially founded in 1945, as Lutherans in the United States began responding to the refugee crisis in post-World War II Europe by sending food, clothing and quilts. By the end of the decade, LWR was also sending relief aid to those affected by conflicts in PalestineHong KongKorea, and Bangladesh. In the 1960s and 1970s, LWR began forming methodologies of working in agriculture and with farming cooperatives to increase rural incomes and food security in the developing world, eventually changing its articles of incorporation to reflect its work in international development. In 1979, LWR opened it first regional office in Peru.

In the 1980s, famine in Africa made international headlines, especially the plight of people in Ethiopia. In response, LWR shipped 5,000 tons of wheat to northern Ethiopia and also opened a regional office in West Africa. For its work in responding to the Ethiopian Civil War and famine, LWR became the first faith-based development agency to receive the Presidential End Hunger award.[8] In 1999, LWR moved its headquarters from New York City to the newly built Lutheran Center in Baltimore, Maryland.

The Impact of Donated Bibles Today

We continue to send Christian literature to missionaries and Christian workers around the world. Statistics tell us that every piece of literature will be read by an average of 20 people. Each container has at least 1 million pieces, so the potential is to reach 20 million every time we send a container.

We are thrilled that since the beginning of Love Packages in 1975, we have been able to send over 15,000 tons of literature. We have seen thousands of people saved, healed, and delivered as a result of this mission. Pastors and Sunday school teachers have, for the first time, materials to study and teach from.

Love Packages currently sends 20-foot ocean going containers to port cities around the world. These locations act as distribution points and have the capability to distribute these materials to thousands of churches overseas.

The global network now known as Open Doors has its origins in one man and one journey. In 1955, a young Dutchman went to Warsaw and discovered the existence of a church that was oppressed, isolated and apparently forgotten. 

He became known as Brother Andrew. And from 1955 to 1967 he travelled throughout Eastern Europe, delivering Bibles, encouraging those he met, and recruiting others to help him.

The publication of God’s Smuggler in 1967 catapulted his work to worldwide renown. An entire generation caught the vision of supporting Christians who faced persecution and discrimination for their faith.


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